Tuesday, April 29, 2003

learning curve... the women at my workplace are cool coz they speak their minds and do the work... SHOUT OUTS: Betty, my hardworking supervisor... the verifier ladies, my co-table 'dancers', and Kay for the radio... and Susan, the smartest woman on earth (thanks for being an avid fan of riddles, even when they sometimes don't contain midget detective/murder clues)...

Monday, April 21, 2003

roar... i recently placed this lioness pic into my page... it means "roar", if you haven't gotten it by now *wink* {{{ {{ { ROAR } }} }}}

Sunday, April 20, 2003

my name is misty... recently watched "Mists of Avalon" (i read the book; 2nd in a series about the Isle of Avalon)... and i was pleased with the adaptation on film... excellent acting... plus, my understanding and appreciation of the King Arthur/Camelot saga was deepened... i would still like to believe that Morgaine was the root of Arthur's fall, although if given opportunity like this TV movie did, one angle is that Arthur himself failed to sustain his strength as a king --it was all about the throne(!)... i would only recommend this movie to Camelot/Avalon buffs like myself because much of the stories are NOT just about a great king and powerful magic... see for yourself... better yet, read the literature, ("Morte D'Arthur", "The Once & Future King", etc.)... and in my opinion, the stronger woman here was Igraine...

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

female following... isn't it curious that most of Jesus' followers were women?... but it took extraordinary courage from the men to match the faith of such amazing women like Mary Magdalene... but isn't it also curious that women today have turned their backs on the very principles of these ancient 'mothers' --respect for the sanctity of life, humility in one's vocation, etc. ... hmmmm... will it take extraordinary courage from the men to also go back to the basics of life?... you tell me, woman...

Monday, April 14, 2003

red herring pt 2... i thought it was that time of the month... *buzz* it was just my imagination... but women can usually tell... maybe i'll see a friend of mine, she can pass it on to me... (me and some of my friends have this belief that if one of them gets a period, the other would get it the next week or the next day... odd female superstition... it has worked for me 70% of the time... but i don't believe it with all my heart...)

Friday, April 11, 2003

fitting together... i figure now that as women, we think differently than men... and maybe that's why we work so well together, right?...

Thursday, April 10, 2003

shop flash... Sophie Kinsella is a genius... 3 times!!! *cha-ching*

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

red herring... dang! i think it's that time of the month again... *sigh* i better not be in a MOOD... *sigh*

Sunday, April 06, 2003

hot flash... Matthew Mcoughnahey is HOT, HOT, HOT!!!... anyone else agree?...

Friday, April 04, 2003

women on fire... i watched the video of the CFC Toronto "Woman On Fire" fundraiser from a couple of years ago... i was blown away!!! WOMEN ROCK!!! WOMEN OF GOD RULE!!!

Thursday, April 03, 2003

foolish... my heart was again reminded of how foolish it can be... "foolish heart, hear me calling..." (i realize i still love this 'guy' i fell in love with 2 years ago) --if only he knew... Ashanti, give me some help...