Tuesday, June 24, 2003

shopping is a bitch... yes, a woman DOES know shopping like the back of her hand... and, no pun intended, but she can smell a sale like a dog in heat... or so i'm finding out in this oh so wonderful book, "Confessions of A Shopaholic"... this book takes consumerism to new heights, on estrogen levels i dare not mention(!)... but i soooo love AND hate the character, Rebecca Bloomwood, in this miniseries of a novel... i stand aghast at the feats she performs and the lengths she would go to just to acquire the fine goods she has her eyes on... and how convenient that she lives in London, where Harrods is, and various other chic shops only a handful of us can ever visit... *sigh* i won't mind just stepping on English pavement(!)... but do check this series out... Sophie Kinsella is honestly trendy, transparent, humorous, marvelously frank about shopping... i wonder if she... uh, never the mind... just BUY the book!


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