Friday, October 31, 2003

extravigilant women...

i wish to honor Darlene Zschech, a prominent worship leader in her church, an amazing singer, but more importantly an extravagant worshipper... if anyone can lead you to heaven's gates, this Aussie girl can... that peace in her life is something we all wish to have... the kind of peace the world can NEVER give... only in Jesus Christ... not a lot of people can really know this unless they already have it...

and to an even more beautiful specimen, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, i bestow honor as well... *sigh* what love for God, and compassion for the poor... she is the image of Christ, and her life IS her worship to God... what else can put a smile on God's face than a pure heart?...

her recent beatification provides us with a clear affirmation of the possibility of us becoming saints in this mortal earth...

these women are but examples of real saints, spreading peace & joy in this life and the next... wouldn't you want to be one of these chosen few?...

Friday, October 10, 2003

mr. Right... where is he? who could he be? should i be looking while i wait? or is waiting something proactive? give ear, readers and let me know what you'd do in the shoes of a 29 year old woman, passionate and witty, generous with her praises, beautiful only on happy days... hmmm... mr. Right, are you ready for this jelly?